
miniZAP® – Questions & Answers

Who was Dr. Beck?

During his outstanding career as physicist, scientist and inventor, Dr. Beck worked on government projects, ran his own company and was lecturer at universities. He is the only double winner of the “J.G. Gallimore Award for Scientific Achievements” of the U.S. Psychotronics Association (the second time he won it in 1998) and 1990 he won the “John Fetzer Foundation Pioneering Award” for his contributions to brain science. As a young university student he invented the electronic flash with low voltage – he can be considered as father of modern flash photography.

After abandoning his career in 1993 he risked name and fame with his researches on the field of microcurrent technology for health reasons, after he had learned that there had been conducted successful eperiments on Albert Einstein University for Medicine. All public data on the results of the experiments were withdrawn quickly, but Dr. Beck discovered, that there had been a patent application.

He developed a health protocol based on that technology. The health benefits were quickly obvious for him and his associates. He founded a research society and conducted a study. The results of this study were never published, due to political and other reasons. The method he developed would permit everyone with self responsibility for their health to make their own research. Dr. Beck died on 23.06.2002 at age of 77 years by heart attack (the exact circumstances are disputed still).

Why a “mini”?

Obwohl es auf dem Markt zahlreiche Beck-Zapper und Bioresonanz-Zapper gibt (siehe die Vergleichsstudie mit neun bekannten Beck-Zappern), fehlte bisher ein wirklich alltagstaugliches High-End-Gerät. Die Herausforderung bei der mittlerweile (2007) über vierjährigen Entwicklung des miniZAP® bestand darin, die bisherigen Nachteile bei der täglichen Handhabung zu eliminieren und zugleich die Bedienung wesentlich zu vereinfachen. Es braucht nicht erwähnt zu werden, daß jeder zusätzliche Umstand bei der Handhabung (z.B. herumhängende Kabel, auf die man achten muß) und der Inbetriebnahme die Gefahr der Unterbrechung der strengen Routine erhöht, ganz zu schweigen davon, daß man mit langen Kabeln und Gürtelgeräten in Gesellschaft sonderbar auffällt. Miniaturisierung ist für den täglichen Gebrauch unverzichtbar.

Die Vergleichsstudie zählt die wichtigsten Hersteller von Beckzapper auf.

Achtung: Aufgrund sich häufender Kundennachfragen sehen wir uns zu folgender Warnung genötigt: Der Webmaster eines Beckzapper-Vertreibers betreibt ein Netzwerk von scheinbar unabhängigen Websites, um andere Vertreiber/Hersteller von Beckzappern in Mißkredit zu bringen und durch Verdrängung auf die hinteren Plätze der Suchergebnisse zu verbannen. Auf mindestens eienr dieser Seiten werden irreführende Behauptungen bezüglich der Leistungskraft des miniZAP® LCD und anderer Geräte verbreitet gemacht. Der Autor verwechselt dabei Spannung mit Strom und beweist seine Ahnungslosigkeit vom Ohm´schen Gesetz (I=U/R), indem er davor warnt, daß bestimmte Gerät “bis 100 mA abgeben können” (siehe nächste Frage).

Is the miniZAP® powerful enough?

The miniZAP® achieves 1000 µA output current, which is far beyond the normal tolerance level (see next question). With its up to 35 V output voltage it surpasses all bigger zappers. Not the battery weight, but the stored mAh are decisive, as well as the electronical efficiency, with which this is used (without high quality parts, the major part of the battery potential is converted into useless heat enery).

Do you have to feel the current?

No. The effectiveness is independent of whether you subjectively feel the current or not. Due to the conductive gel, high current is often only slightly felt. The objective level of the adjusted current intensity is decisive, because the sensitivity of the skin can also change (what hurt yesterday does not have to hurt today). The advantage of the miniZAP® is that the user can read the exact level of current on the display instead of having to walk according to sensation.

Which current is needed?

Effectively, only 50-100 µA are needed in the blood; 200-400 µA flowing through the electrodes are already sufficient for this.  Although Dr. Beck occasionally stated in his interviews that up to “several milliamperes” were necessary, he contradicted himself here, as he says at the same time that it is “by no means necessary to go beyond the pain threshold”. Thanks to the miniZAP LCD, the real flowing current can be determined for the first time (the displayed current is accurate to within 3%). It can be clearly shown that the pain threshold of more than 90% of all permanent users is 400 µA (with conductive gel). Therefore, the miniZAP® LCD with its maximum 1000 µA output current reaches a strength that far exceeds the normal pain threshold and skin tolerance. 200-400 µA are already clearly noticeable and are recommended by us. Anything over 600 µA (12 times the required minimum current) produces burn blisters after 3 days of 2 hours each at the latest and leads most people to stop zapping prematurely. At 400 µA with fresh conductive gel it still shows 10 V. According to R = U / I this corresponds to a skin resistance of 25 kOhm. In order to let e.g. 3000 µA flow, one would theoretically need up to 75 V (!) according to U = R * I. According to Dr. Beck, the shape of the electrodes with their wire cross-section is also decisive in ensuring that the current remains concentrated and does not flow ineffectively into the surrounding tissue. With its special electrodes, the miniZAP® LCD also sets standards in this respect.

Are there other devices with CCC?

A characteristic of a zapper with constant current control is that it raises or lowers its output voltage proportionally to the change in skin resistance. This can only be achieved by an electronic system that records the actual current flow and then performs a set/actual value comparison. Proof of correct regulation can easily be provided with two different resistances (e.g. 5 and 10 kOhm): When the larger resistor is connected to the electrodes of the zapper, the amplitude of the output voltage must double exactly. The miniZAP® is the only device on the market with true CCC (constant current control).

How do you consider so-called combination devices?

Devices that mainly work according to Clark and additionally have a “Beck frequency of 3.92 Hz” do not always sufficiently meet the requirements according to Beck, because Clark zappers basically emit DC voltage pulses, whereas real Beck zappers generate AC voltage. Special disadvantages of DC voltage generation:

1. with “pulsed” DC voltage no current flows during the pauses (50% of the time). However, alternating voltage causes a constant current flow.

2. Clark electrodes (wrist cuffs or tubular hand electrodes) are unsuitable for Beck electrification, because the contact area is much too large in relation to the current flow and thus a sufficiently high current concentration is not achieved.

3. direct voltage is in principle unsuitable for Beck electrification, since it inevitably leads to haematomas at the electrode contact surfaces with the appropriate current density.

Why doesn’t the miniZAP® produce colloidal silver?

In its first version the miniZAP® was in deed a combined device. It became obvious though, that a quick production of colloidal silver with high consumption of current is only useful with adapter. Therefore we offer as an add-on a very affordable, yet comfortable, powerful and compact colloidal silver generator, as well as our colloidal silver generator flagship, the Aquaphaser which is the only commercial home use device to work with 230 V pulsed DC. There are devices on the market which combine a magnetic pulser, a cs generator and a zapper in one device. This is far from being rational and effective. All functions require very specific technology, so the only common denominator of the different devices is their container.

Blood electrification or bioresonance?

There are two fundamentally different zapper philosophies: the “electrification” according to Dr. R. C. Beck and the “radionic bioresonance method” according to Dr. Clark.

The Beck zapper works with a low frequency of 3.92 Hz (half the Schumann frequency, compatible with the brain’s theta waves), but this is completely irrelevant for the effect. What is decisive is the actual current flow within the blood, as it also occurs with magnetic field treatment, among other things, and has been scientifically investigated many times.

A “bioresonance zapper” does not work via current strength, but via bioresonance or radionic frequencies (60-800 kHz) with or without “harmonics”. The bioresonance method does not claim to be scientific (reproducibility, double-blind studies, verified theory, etc.). A cancellation of so-called “interference frequencies” can be traced back to radionic cancellation (interference), in which, however, microorganisms survive in vivo without exception. That these organisms (as well as leeches and viruses) should “burst” due to resonance oscillation is a grossly simplified metaphor that has nothing to do with what actually happens. It is always the immune system itself in vivo (in the living organism) that encapsulates the parasites and thermally burns them in the liver. The aim is to inactivate the parasites (by means of cell membrane potential changes) so that they can no longer easily evade the access of the leukocytes. This requires energising the blood through electrification, similar to “magnetisation”, only much more efficient and powerful.

There is another argument against Clark and Rife, namely the polymorphism of microorganisms, which causes a constant change in shape and thus natural frequency. This adaptation is a fundamental obstacle to the use of static frequencies and can logically only be overcome by dynamic biofeedback, as classical bioresonance also suggests. But neither Clark nor Rife Zapper work dynamically. In comparison, how much easier does a Beck zapper work, which does not need to worry about frequencies or biofeedback.

Beckzapper with Frequencies?

A Beck zapper or Blood zapper works by effective electric current, measured in µA (micro Ampere, a millionth of an Ampere). It is very different from bio resonance or radionics (see above), therefore it doesn’t make much sense to include any additional frequencies into the Beck zapper. It is not possible to shorten the time of treatment through frequencies.

Where is the miniZAP® manufactured?

The miniZAP is fully made in Germany by Mikas Elektronik Entwicklungen. Under Sources you will find a sales partner near you.

How does the new LCD model differ from the old one?

There are over 20 different comparison features in which the new LCD model has been improved. The standard model is therefore being phased out and is no more available. The LCD model is the only Beckzapper with a LCD display and leaves the competition far behind. Owners of the standard model can upgrade to the LCD model for a reduced price (please contact me).

What if I own already a zapper?

My congratulations! Perhaps you also want now to own a miniZAP.

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